Medical treatment for headache involves treating symptoms, rather than the underlying cause.
Medical treatment in many cases results in failed long term solutions. Including if you have been diagnosed with a neck issue, you have probably already tried neck treatments.
You may have seen physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, acupuncturists, massage therapists and other specialists. Nothing has worked and you may feel neck treatment is not the solution.
Treat the cause not the symptom.
Research has shown our techniques can lower the sensitivity of the brainstem, which is the underlying cause of all major headaches.
Our approach is different to other headache clinics or health professionals. The Watson Headache ® Approach is the only hands on technique ‘using the neck’ to treat the cause of your headaches. We have expertise in treating the neck that others don’t.
You have nothing to lose by booking an assessment with a myHeadache consultant. Let us help you get to the cause of your neck issue.
We won’t waste your time. The assessment will tell us right away if we can help.